Gerken and Associates

Little Boy Loses Elephant…He’s Not Lost, He’s in Branson, MO!

I’m sure you have all heard that a few days ago a little boy lost his stuffed elephant. As the tears began to flow, the parents quickly explained to their son that his elephant was not lost, it was simply traveling for a bit! With the help of several Photoshop geniuses on Reddit and other platforms, the world has embraced the mission of helping them create a wonderful sight-seeing adventure for the elephant. The little boy’s stuffed elephant has traveled all over the world in just a few days. In fact he’s been to Spain, Germany, China, the White House, and even the moon!

Being a resident in one of the best places to travel to, we decided to invite the little stuffed elephant to the Midwest town of Branson, Missouri and share with him some of our greatest family attractions!

Wanna know where else the little boy’s elephant has been? Click below and travel the world! Or if you’ve decided Branson, MO is where YOU want to be CLICK HERE!

Lost Toy Travels World
Little Elephant’s Grand Adventure
Original Thread on Reddit – Elephant Travels

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